with Bree Weber (she/her)

How do you figure out what to price your product or service that both meets your financial goals AND is accessible to your audience?

We’re not talking about the super vague and nebulous advice of ‘charge what you’re worth.’

We’re talking accessibility and economic justice for you and your clients.

Bree Weber (she/her) and I both have experimented extensively with pricing our programs and digital products.

Come learn from us!

What you'll get outta this Toucan Talk...

  • Permission to disconnect “value” from “price” (finally)
  • A jargon-free understanding of economic justice and equitable access
  • How to do research to identify what pricing strategy works for your peeps
  • Find inspiration with IRL examples taken straight out of the internet
  • Start creating your pricing system in a take-home worksheet

How much does this recording cost?

The price starts at $10, sliding scale.

If you can pay beyond that, please do!

A suggestion: What do you normally pay for a workshop and is that feasible for you right now?
Then that's a good price to pay.

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you can unsubscribe at any time :)